Monday, April 30, 2012

Cooking with Kaley

I have learned since I've moved out on my own I'm not that great of a cook with out my Momma around... I can bake and put together desserts with no problem but desserts aren't gonna get me anywhere but depression mode come poolside this summer.... So I have no choice but to do what I'm assuming my Momma had to do at some point around the time she decided she was gonna have five little mouths to feed. I've started cooking more at home instead of making a mad dash to the nearest Del Taco or Wendy's... And don't even get me started on pizza or Chinese take out...(Sigh) I CAN"T LIVE OFF OF FAST FOOD FOREVER! Now I have this new thing called internet to help out whenever I question my cooking and I also have several cook books my Momma has handed down to me, but it always comes down to me not trusting either and I end up calling my Momma for advice. She always knows what she's talking about and my food always turns out edible. However I still can't master some of my favorite of her recipes such as her chicken and rice soup, Mexican rice, or her spaghetti. I'm sure as I get older and keep trying I'll get closer and closer to mastering them but I think it will always be missing that Momma's touch. I have mastered A few meals though such as, BBQ chicken, baked lemon peppered tilapia, even a crock pot roast! I'd say my skills are improving and I guess I gotta keep at and keep trying and my skills will improve over time.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


You will learn that I am always at Disneyland. It is one of my favorite places to photograph. So I will probably post several photos that have to do with Disneyland and all of it's magical wonders <3

Treasure Hunting

As some of you may know I'm always looking for treasure... or Geocaches to be precise. I love the thrill of the hunt, exploring new grounds, and even creating my own for others to find. For those of you who do not know what geocaching is, here is a short video explaining what it is. I think I'll post a few photos I've captured while out geocaching =) I'd also like to thank Colie for giving the idea to blog about caching since it is something I'm really into. 

If you do not own a GPS there are Geocaching apps for both the Android and iPhone. I personally have used all three options and in my opinion the iPhone app is the best. Sometimes it will put you right at ground zero if the cache coordinates were listed correctly.

This one is a cache I hid if you can see it hidden under rocks =) This one is name April's Full Cache

I love finding caches in an ammo box container... Usually the contents keep dry and the boxes stay in one piece. Sometimes the sun and heat can take a toll on the container if camoed incorrectly.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Currently listening to....

So below is what I've been listening to a lot lately.. I'm usually playing music in my TurnTable room every night for a few hours... If you haven't ever used turntable and you are like myself and love music, TurnTable is a great site to use when you are looking to discover new music! Not only do you get to discover but you also have the opportunity to share your own music with others. So if you are interested in discovering and sharing music you should definitely check out TurnTable maybe even my room perhaps! =P
  1. Wallace Collection - Daydream
  2. Bon Iver - Skinny Love
  3. Austra - Lose it
  4. Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks (I know it's played out but still catchy)
  5. Gym Class Heroes Feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home
  6. The Bird & The Bee - How Deep Is Your Love?
  7. Lights - Banner
  8. Yoav Feat. Emily Browning - Where Is My Mind?
  9. Bon Iver - I Can't Make You Love Me
  10. I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - Ready Ankles
  11. Angus & Julia Stone - Draw Your Swords