Monday, April 30, 2012

Cooking with Kaley

I have learned since I've moved out on my own I'm not that great of a cook with out my Momma around... I can bake and put together desserts with no problem but desserts aren't gonna get me anywhere but depression mode come poolside this summer.... So I have no choice but to do what I'm assuming my Momma had to do at some point around the time she decided she was gonna have five little mouths to feed. I've started cooking more at home instead of making a mad dash to the nearest Del Taco or Wendy's... And don't even get me started on pizza or Chinese take out...(Sigh) I CAN"T LIVE OFF OF FAST FOOD FOREVER! Now I have this new thing called internet to help out whenever I question my cooking and I also have several cook books my Momma has handed down to me, but it always comes down to me not trusting either and I end up calling my Momma for advice. She always knows what she's talking about and my food always turns out edible. However I still can't master some of my favorite of her recipes such as her chicken and rice soup, Mexican rice, or her spaghetti. I'm sure as I get older and keep trying I'll get closer and closer to mastering them but I think it will always be missing that Momma's touch. I have mastered A few meals though such as, BBQ chicken, baked lemon peppered tilapia, even a crock pot roast! I'd say my skills are improving and I guess I gotta keep at and keep trying and my skills will improve over time.

1 comment:

  1. I learned the same thing!! Unfortunately I have three (oh wait now 4!) people that depend on me for food otherwise they would starve!!
